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QSS - Biological Anthropology Track
Total credits towards QSS: 50+ required
- Current Checklist for Biological Anthropology Track (Read on before downloading)
- For general Anthropology Track, use Anthropology Track form
QTM Core
- MATH 111, MATH 221: Prerequisites to the QSS major; Do not count towards major GPA but counts toward 50 credit requirements
Track Core
- ANT 201 Concepts and Methods in Biological Anthropology
- ANT 202 Concepts and Methods in Cultural Anthropology
QTM Electives
- QTM electives include 300- & 400-level lectures and seminar style classes of 3+ credit hours
- QTM 398R, 496R, 497R, and 499R do not satisfy the QTM elective requirements
Track Electives
- Sample one course each from the following topic focus:
- Human Biology
- Social Science & Medicine
- Evolution & Behavior
- Cultural Anthropology
- Consult the deptarments website here for course designation/acceptability