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Experiential learning at its finest
The QTM capstone course offers distinctive collaborations across college and the real world. This opportunity is intended for advanced QTM majors (i.e., seniors and highly qualified seniors).
Industry | Government | Non-profit | Academia |
Partners each bring unique proprietary challenges to faculty-led teams of student investigators who apply disciplinary knowledge and substantive expertise to the questions they are presented. The QTM capstone is your opportunity to synthesize everything you have learned in your classes and make a real impact.
Over the course of the semester, student teams will...
- learn the relevant background information and business constraints in order to define the research problem
- collaborate weekly to bring theoretically sound, analytically rigorous, creative solutions and insights to specific challenges
- participate in weekly lab sections intended to integrate professional communication, presentation, and writing skills into the overall experience
- provide partners periodic updates
- make concluding formal presentations of findings/insights, applicable models/code, and recommended courses of action to partner stakeholders and university guests
All of this happens with the generous support and oversight from...
- dedicated faculty leads
- departmental staff
- partner liaisons
- university units